Berdan Cap Spider

Berdan Cap Spider

The Berdan Cap Spider is tied on both a #8 jig hook and a #10 jig hook. The weight of the #8 jig hook is 1/64 ounce and the #10 jig hook is 1/124 ounce. The Berdan Cap Spider sinks fast with the hook point up to avoid hang-ups on the bottom of the lake or stream. It is excellent for pan fish of all types as well as bass and crappie. Four colors to choose from, black, white, olive, and chartreuse.

Find them under Conrad’s Flies on the BreamBugs website.

Berdan Cap Spider Chartreuse


Berdan Cap Spider Olive


Berdan Cap Spider White


Berdan Cap Spider Black


Yes, You Can Fly Fish For Crappie

Yes, You Can Fly Fish For Crappie

Fly fishing for crappie can be a rewarding adventure.  Pictured here is the book, Crappie Fly Fishing – A Seasonal Approach, written by Terry and Roxanne Wilson.  Also shown here is the BreamBugs Crappie Fly Assortment.  The assortment contains, one Crappie Bully, created by Terry Wilson, the author of the book, and three Crappie Candy flies, and one Crappie Killer fly.  See all of our Crappie flies, spoons, and jigs at our store page.

Crappie book and assortment

Moon Shine


Moon Shine


Who is “Mr. BreamBugs”

Who is “Mr. BreamBugs”

Mr. Breambugs

In 2006, Don Davis, founder of, discovered he had a problem.  Don could not find a source in Missouri for the top water fly fishing poppers that he had used as a young man in Mississippi.  After a phone call to his brother, Glen Davis, another avid fly fisher in Mississippi, Don connected with the Accardo Tackle Company and became a distributor for Accardo.  After creating the BreamBugs web site, Don started the site with 30 or 40 of the best-selling poppers from Accardo.  Immediately Don recognized an opportunity to add other supplier’s popper and flies to the BreamBugs site.  Today has over 400 different poppers and flies to choose from.  BreamBugs not only has poppers and flies for bream and bass but also for trout, crappie and carp.  Don has been fly fishing since he was 10 years old and is an experienced fly fisher and readily answers questions regarding freshwater fly fishing.  See all of our poppers and flies at