All New – All Yellow – Rollie Pollie

All New – All Yellow – Rollie Pollie

The Rollie Pollie by Pultz Poppers continues to increase in fly fishing popularity.  The newest addition is the all yellow Rollie Pollie.  Available in hook sizes 8 and 10.  See all the Rollie Pollie colors and styles.

Pultz Rollie Pollie Bug, Yellow Body, Yellow Hackle, Yellow Tail




Websters definition of Patriot:  “One who loves and zealously supports their country”.  BreamBugs will send one FREE Patriotic Popper with every order received now through Memorial Day.  Place an order, get your Patriotic Popper today from

Patriotic Popper


Crappie Fly Fishing

Crappie Fly Fishing

“Why use a fly rod?  The best reason for using a fly rod in the pursuit of crappies is that it’s more fun.  That long, limber wand bounces with each tug of the fish’s efforts to avoid capture”.  This is an excerpt from the book, Crappie Fly Fishing, written by Terry and Roxanne Wilson.  Check out all of our crappie flies, spinners and jigs at

Bully’s Bluegill Spiders Assortment


Tri-Lakes Fly Fishing Expo April 9th

Tri-Lakes Fly Fishing Expo April 9th

Conrad’s Crackle Back . . . Is Back!

Conrad’s Crackle Back . . . Is Back!

We apologize for the fact that our recent introduction of the Conrad’s Crackle Back caused us to sell completely out of both hook sizes in less than two days.  Good news, the Conrad’s Crackle Back . . . is BACK! 

Conrad’s Crackle Back Dry Fly
