Blue Gill Special

Blue Gill Special

Blue Gill Special

Remember the old Accardo Blue Gill Special popper?  Here is how it is described in an old Accardo catalog, “An old time tested Body Style Popper made up in a new and exciting fashion that has proven itself to be a real Fish Getter.”  Pultz Poppers has duplicated that “Fish Getter” and they call theirs Pultz Bluegill Special.  Check it out at  It is available in hook sizes 8 and 10.  While you are there take a look at all 70 made-in-America Pultz products.

Blugill Special

The Original Bully’s Bluegill Spider Flies

The Original Bully’s Bluegill Spider Flies

The Original Bully’s Bluegill Spider Flies

The best characteristics of the original Bully’s Bluegill Spider Fly is that it is easy to fish.  When it drops in a vertical fall, the legs wiggle seductively.  Often this is the only action necessary to attract and entice those big fat bream.  It works very well as the “dropper” when used with the Miskito Coast Popper/Dropper rig and sometimes produces double catches of big bluegill.  We find the chartreuse color to be the most popular.  Don’t know which color the choose? 

Check out the Bully’s Bluegill Assortment, it contains one of each of the 11 colors in hook size #10.


Peck’s Grey Ghost Popper

Peck’s Grey Ghost Popper

Peck’s Grey Ghost Popper

One of the most popular bass poppers created by E. H. Peckinpaugh is his Grey Ghost popper.  A beautiful pattern of grey and white. Available in three hook sizers, 2, 4 and 1/0.  It is a bass catching popper.  For an interesting article about Peck’s Poppers written by Terry and Roxanne Wilson, send us an email and in the subject line type, “Peck’s article.”

Peck's Gray Ghost 7022

BooglePopper, Solar Flare, Hook Size 8 – In Stock

BooglePopper, Solar Flare, Hook Size 8 – In Stock

BooglePopper, Solar Flare, Hook Size 8 – In Stock

Good news, we received a small order of the BooglePopper, Solar Flare, hook size 8.  It is our most popular BooglePopper, I suggest you place your order today.  We don’t have many and they will sell fast.

BooglePopper Solar Flare,

Purple Cow?

Purple Cow?

Purple Cow?

Seth Godin produced a fun and productive book called, “Purple Cow.”  Pultz Poppers produces a fun and productive popper called, “Purple Cow Bug.”  The Purple Cow Bug is remarkable.  See all the Pultz Poppers at the remarkable BreamBugs website,

Purple Cow

Ligon Bream Killers – 10% Off.

Ligon Bream Killers – 10% Off.

Ligon Bream Killers – 10% Off.

The Ligon Bream Killer is a fish-catching machine!  During the 18 years we have been selling the Ligon Bream Killer it has been, and still is, our #1 best-selling fly.  From now until the end of February we are offering a 10% discount of all the Ligon Bream Killers. 

The Ligon Bream Killers are available in 7 different colors and 5 different hook sizes to help you CATCH MORE FISH!

The Ligon Bream Killer

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Litty Fatty Popper – Still Number One!

Litty Fatty Popper – Still Number One!

Litty Fatty Popper – Still Number One!

The Little Fatty Popper, chartreuse body, black hackle, chartreuse tail, is still the number one best selling popper on the BreamBugs website.  The Little Fatty, made by Pultz Poppers, is like the old Miss Prissy which was once made by the Accardo Tackle Company.  With black spackle paint on the chartreuse body and eight rubber legs this popper gets the attention of both bream and bass.  In addition to those features it also floats correctly ensuring more catches.  Look at all the different styles of Little Fatty poppers at

Bea Bea Bugs Are Made From Cypress

Bea Bea Bugs Are Made From Cypress

Remember the Accardo Miss Prissy?

The body of the Bea’s Poppers and the Bea Bea Bad Boys are all made from cypress.  Not imported cork, not imported balsa, not plastic, instead they are made from cypress grown in the good old USA!  When we say, “made in the USA,” we mean it.  What is the advantage of using cypress?  First, it holds the paint very well which means less chipping and peeling. Second, it is very buoyant and floats properly which means more hook up’s per strike. 

See all the Bea Bea Bugs at

Cypress with flag

Finally – A Remarkable New Fly – The SPIDER-BUGGER!

Finally – A Remarkable New Fly – The SPIDER-BUGGER!

Finally – A Remarkable New Fly – The SPIDER-BUGGER!

Jeremy Grady, a talented and ingenious fly tier has incorporated the uniqueness of two best-selling flies into one exceptionally creative combination of features.  The Ligon Bream Killer has been, and still is, the number one best-selling fly on the BreamBugs website.  Following close behind it is the Wilson’s Bully Bluegill Spider, also one of our best-selling flies.  Jeremy has patterned his SPIDER BUGGER after the chenille body of the Ligon Bream Killer and the tantalizing legs of the Bully Bluegill Spider plus added a marabou tail for additional action.  Three colors to choose from, Black, Brown and Olive all tied on #8 Mustad hooks with eight rubber legs which provides lots of movement to attract those big bluegills.  If you are a fan of either the Ligon Bream Killer or the Wilson’s Bully Bluegill Spider, try the SPIDER BUGGER

You will be pleasantly surprised with the results. 

Spider Bugger Black

Add The SPIDER-BUGGER to your Collection

Once you hook ‘um, then you unHOOKum!

Once you hook ‘um, then you unHOOKum!

Once you hook ‘um, then you unHOOKum!

The unHOOKum Tool will help you remove hooks easier and it will lessen the possibility of damaging your lure, no more chipped paint on your poppers.  It is simple, quick, and easy to use and it comes with in instructions and a convenient lanyard to keep it ready for service.  The stainless-steel tip and comfortable grip handle make this an ideal tool for you and your fly-fishing friends.  The unHOOKum Tool is only 6 ½ inches long.  We guarantee you will like the unHOOKum Tool or we will give you your money back!

unHOOKum Tool

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