Blue Skies or Blue Flies?

Blue Skies or Blue Flies? has several blue flies to choose from, Walt Cary’s Carolina Blue #70, the Bea Bea Bad Boy #54 and Brack N Brines all blue Accardo Blue Gill Special REPRODUCTION are all different shades of blue.  Check out all of the bugs at and don‘t forget its 10% off all of our products from now until the end of 2020. 

Walt Cary’s Bluegill Popper Carolina Blue #70


Bea Bea Bad Boy #54


Moon Shine


Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas From BreamBugs

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas From BreamBugs

As a means of saying “Thank you” and to give you a “Christmas Gift” we are announcing our annual “Customer Appreciation Offer”. From now until the end of December 2020 receive 10% off of all orders and all products. No minimum, no special codes, simply place your order and receive the 10% automatically. For Christmas gifts consider our Assortments, books and the very popular unHOOKum Tool. For Christmas gifts we must have your order no later than December 14th. Again, thank you and Merry Christmas.

New BeetleBug With Weed Guard

New BeetleBug With Weed Guard

The original BeetleBug that we introduced last year was a success, however, many of our customers asked for a weed guard version.  Here it is, the BeetleBug with weed guard.  Made from wine bottle cork like the original BeetleBug but with the added weed guard feature allowing it to be cast into weedy areas.

Moon Shine


Ivey’s Blue Dragon Fly

Ivey’s Blue Dragon Fly

Tim Ivey of Ivey’s Flies has produced another winner, the Blue Dragon Fly.  Using a double barrel body design in hook sizes 4 and 6 it is especially good for large mouth bass.

Ivey’s Blue Dragon Fly


Legally Fish With Dynamite!

Legally Fish With Dynamite!

Introducing the new Dynamite popper from the Gaines Company.  Dynamite #2441 is the latest “legally” way to fish with Dynamite.  This popper has a chartreuse colored body with a fish scale finish and black hackle and white tail with white rubber legs.  Hook size 6 for bluegill and bass.  See all the “legally” available Dynamite poppers at

Moon Shine
