Happy Thanksgiving
All of us here at BreamBugs say, “Thank you” for another good year. It’s also time to begin your Christmas Shopping. To help you get started we have marked down all of our Assortments by 10%. Our popper assortments are an easy and inexpensive gift-giving idea. The one pictured here is the Pultz Popper Assortment. Buy one for your friends and one for yourself!
(This offer expires November 30 th )
Happy Thanksgiving!
Pultz Popper Starter Assortment
$34.99 -
Ligon Bream Killer Assortment
$19.99 -
Largemouth Bass Popper Assortment
$35.99 -
Walt Cary’s Popper Assortment
$35.99 -
Farm Pond Assortment
$26.99 -
BreamBugs Top 5 Assortment of 2024
$27.99 -
Bluegill Assortment
$47.95 -
Bea Bea Bugs Assortment
$47.95 -
Walt Cary’s Trout Popping Bugs Assortment
$49.99 -
Top-Water Spider and Hopper Assortment
$39.99 -
Smallmouth Bass Assortment
$47.95 -
Bully’s Bluegill Spiders Assortment