BoogleBug now has a Glow-In-The-Dark popper called MOON SHINE. An exceptionally bright popper which is perfect for fly fishing early in the morning, early in the evening or late at night. Its easy to light it up using a UV Light available from BreamBugs. Find the UV Light under Accessories on the BreamBugs website. Check out all of our other glow-in-the-dark poppers under, Glow Bugs, on our website.
For the glow in the dark popper enthusiast, BreamBugs has eleven different styles to choose from. Furthermore has added two new styles, Lumas The Nuclear Mouse, as seen here and the new Double Hook Glow In The Dark Popper. Also, it has TWO hooks and glows in the dark to certainly DOUBLE the chances of a secure hook up. See all eleven glow bugs at
GLOW BUGS mimic the light from fire flies. At BreamBugs we have 8 different styles to choose from. Bea Bea Glow Popper, BooglePopper Moon Shine, Pultz Rollie Pollie, Slider and Little Fatty, Gaines Dixie Devil, Pan Pop and Sneaky Pete. Tip, take a flashlight with you to re-charge your glow bugs.