. BoogleBullet Pearly White | Breambugs.com

BoogleBullet Pearly White




White body, white legs, black hackle, white tail.  Great for bluegill and bass fly fishing.

Please be sure to select the hook size you want before placing your order.

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Fish Type

Bass, Bluegill

1 review for BoogleBullet Pearly White

  1. Fishin’ Jimmy

    Well fellas and ladies The present Buggle Bullet in white size 10 is on it’s third
    This fly has caught it’s a limit many times all I’ve done is sharpen the hook. Hey very important thing that is sometimes overlooked. Fishing tip I would not be without an electric blue damsel size 10 Bugle Bullet when the damselflies are hatching, just put bugle bullet as close to the reeds as you can and let it set , if your heart patient take your nitroglycerin now! Because all of a sudden shark like wakes will come from the Reeds and devour your fly, hold on you wil have a big bass or the biggest bluegill of the year on the other end of your leader! As Cap Bittner use to say
    “go out and have some fun” !!!!!! Fishin’ Jimmy

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