The Five “Rights” of Fly Fishing

The Five “Rights” of Fly Fishing

We borrowed this from my friend Dr. Terry Seaton. The five “rights” are; fish for the “right’ fish, fish with the “right” fly, make the “right” presentation of the fly to the fish, make the “right” set of the hook to catch the fish and make the “right” retrieve to net the fish. Buy the “right” flies and poppers from Happy Halloween!

The Earth Is Mostly Water – Go Fishing!

The Earth Is Mostly Water – Go Fishing!

About 71% of the Earth’s surface is water covered (326 million trillion gallons) and the ocean holds about 96% of the Earth’s water. Fish live in water – GO FISHING! Before you go, visit our web site and select from our vast number of flies to help you catch more fish. Fishing is fun – catching fish is more fun. 

Can’t Decide Which Bug To Buy?

Can’t Decide Which Bug To Buy?

Take a look at our selection of assortments. We have fourteen different assortments to choose from. Top water bluegill poppers, bass poppers, sinking flies, Spoons, Top 5 Poppers, Farm Pond Poppers, and more. Assortments for all your fishing needs. Many of the assortments are packaged in re-useable foam bottom fly boxes. See all of our assortments at:

Fishing Is Fun – Catching Is More Fun!

Fishing Is Fun – Catching Is More Fun!

Color of lures does make a difference in catching fish. Bass, bluegill and crappie are limited to the spectral range of vision of yellow-green and red-orange. Of the top five best selling flies on the BreamBugs web site all but one are CHARTREUSE. Our #2 best selling lure, the Pultz Spider Legs is chartreuse, black, chartreus with red dots on it, no wonder it sells so well, it CATCHES FISH! See all the chartreuse and yellow flies at:

BreamBugs Technical Staff at the Rockbridge Rainbow Trout Ranch

BreamBugs Technical Staff at the Rockbridge Rainbow Trout Ranch

The annual trip to Rockbridge for BreamBugs was another successful fly fishing outing. Lots of action, lots of trout caught. The largest trout weighed in at just under 3 pounds. The majority of the trout were caught on black sinking flies with only a few being caught using dry flies, Brown Caddis #12. Yes, BreamBugs does have Trout Flies. Check them out at