Accardo Blue Gill Special REPRODUCTIONS from Brack N Brine
The old Accardo Blue Gill Special was one of the classic poppers produced by the Accardo Tackle Company before they went out of business. Check out these new REPRODUCTIONS at They are exact reproductions for your fly fishing enjoyment.
Ligon Bream Killer Assortment
The Ligon Bream Killer, Black, hook size 8, remains our #1 best selling sinking fly. The reason it is number one is because it consistently catches fish. We offer an assortment of the five most popular colors of the Ligon Bream Killer in a re-useable foam bottom fly box for only $15.95 plus with each Bream Killer Assortment you order you will receive one Ligon Red Butt Bream Killer FREE! Order now, this offer is good only through the end of this month, May 2018.
BreamBugs Now Has A Line Of Barbless Hook Flies For Bluegill And Trout
Here are a few reasons to use barbless hooks: better hooksets, barbs create resistance and makes it harder for the hook to penetrate, the fish are easier to release, if the line breaks its easier for the fish to shake a barbless hook loose, there is less injury to the fish and THERE IS LESS INJURY TO YOU! See our first introduction of barbless hooks at
It’s Time To Pop The Cork!
Okay, not all of the BreamBugs poppers are made of cork, some are made of balsa, foam, and even the root of the Tupelo Tree (see Bea’s Poppers). Nevertheless, whatever popper you use, be sure it’s a quality and proven popper from
Call Them Crayfish, Crawfish, Craw-Dads or Mudbugs – Bluegill, Bass and Trout Call Them FOOD!
Crayfish are the number one food source for many species of fish. BreamBugs has two new crayfish flies, one for bluegill and one for bass. Check them out at