. BoogleBug Amnesia Bug | Breambugs.com

BoogleBug Amnesia Bug

Amnesia Bugs are more quiet than the BooglePopper but noisier than the BoogleBullet.  Amnesia Bugs allow for a stealthy presentation to wary fish, yet can still make some noise when you need to attract some attention.

The folks at BoogleBug have been trying to come up with a good “Booglesomething” name for this special little fish catcher, but to no avail.  They have even asked the bugs themselves, but gotten absolutely nowhere, these bugs don’t even know their own name!  They do know how to catch fish though.  Give them a try and see for yourself.  Who knows – maybe a little fishing will have a therapeutic effect on them and help to jog their memory.  If they let you know what to call them, by all means let us know.  We can’t go on calling them Amnesia Bugs forever.

Personal testimony.  BoogleBug sent Uncle Don one of the Solar Flare Amnesia Bug for testing.  Uncle Don caught 28 bream and 18 bass in 2 hours using the one Solar Flare Amnesia Bug hook size 8.  The bug looked the same at the end of the 2 hours as it did at the beginning.  Great bug.

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