Walt Cary’s Fire Tiger Popper #79


Here is Walt Cary’s newest popper, the Fire Tiger popper. This is Walt Cary’s HOT new popper, and I do mean “hot”. He calls it his FIRE TIGER. This popper looks like a small segment of a 4th of July fireworks display sitting on the water.  For bluegill and bass.  One of Uncle Don’s favorites.



Here is Walt Cary’s newest popper, the Fire Tiger popper. This is Walt Cary’s HOT new popper, and I do mean “hot”. He calls it his FIRE TIGER. This popper looks like a small segment of a 4th of July fireworks display sitting on the water.  For Bluegill and Bass.  One of Uncle Don’s favorites.

Making Poppers For Over 50 Years.

Walt Cary has been making poppers for over 50 years.  Walt’s poppers are renowned for their unique hackles and meticulously prepared cork bodies.  All of the corks are sanded to insure a smooth finish.  This begins a ten-step painting and finishing process that produces a durable and effective popping bug.  Walt Cary’s Fire Tiger Fly appeared on the front cover of the Autumn 2011 issue of Fly Tyer magazine.  For a copy of the article about Walt Cary, send me an email and ask for a copy of, “50 Years of Popping Bugs”, by Beau Beasley.  We can send a digital copy or a copy by mail.