. FAQs | Breambugs.com


  1. Is there a good source for a fish hook size chart?
  2. Who is “Uncle Don”?
  3. What are the most popular bugs?
  4. Are these bugs made for durability?
  5. I did not find the bug I was looking for, do you have other types and styles available?
  6. How did Terry and Roxanne Wilson come up with the name, “Bully’s Bluegill Spider?
  7. Can I pay for my order with a money order?
  8. How do you determine the “best days to fish” on the Fish Calendar?
  9. How do you ship orders?
  10. Do you have information on how to tie the “Popper/Dropper” tandem rig?
  11. Is your site secure for Online orders?
  12. Do you sell your customer information to other companies?
  13. Why should I buy from BreamBugs?
  14. Do you ship Internationally?
  15. Does BreamBugs promote “catch and release”?
  16. Here is a question for you. How can we better serve you?
  17. Do you have a good recipe for cooking panfish?
  18. Where does the word “bream” come from?
  19. Does the larger number for hook sizes indicate larger hooks?
  20. Does BreamBugs support fly fishing organizations?
  21. Is there one color of popping bugs that is better than others?
  22. Where can I get a free 8 1/2 X 11 glossy finish, suitable for framing copy of the colorful BreamBugs logo?
  23. Why did you create BreamBugs?
  24.  Where can I find a custom bamboo rod maker?  Harry Boyd, www.canerods.com 318-282-1825
  25.  Where can I find quality fly tying material?  goldenruleflyshop.com

1. Is there a good source for a fish hook size chart?
A. Yes, go to: www.jannsnetcraft.com/content/downloads/sizing_chart.pdf

2. Who is “Uncle Don”?

A. “Uncle” Don is Don Davis, Chief Fly Fisher and founder of BreamBugs LLC. Fly fishing since age 8. Learned to fly fish for bluegill and bass from his father Ewal Davis in warm and clear water streams and lakes in Mississippi. Dedicated to fly fishing for bluegill and bass Don founded BreamBugs to provide quality flies and bugs and outstanding service for fly fishers of bream and bass.

3. What are the most popular bugs?

A: The top selling bugs are, Little Fatty chartreuse, black, chartreuse, hook size 8 and the Ligon Bream Killer black hook size 8.

4: Are these bugs made for durability?

A: Yes, hand tied and painted by expert craftsmen using only top quality materials such as hackle from specially grown game cock birds, extra strong and extra sharp hooks and premium quality Portuguese cork, balsa and Tupelo tree root. Seven to ten coats of celluloid enamels for that lustrous finish and for durability.

5. I did not find the bug I was looking for, do you have other types and styles available?

A. Yes, please contact us, tell us what type bug you are looking for. We may be able to locate it for you. Send an e-mail to: info@breambugs.com

6. How did Terry and Roxanne Wilson come up with the name, “Bully’s Bluegill Spider?

A. The only way to get the full details of the answer is to buy their book, “Bluegill Fly Fishing and Flies”, they devote an entire chapter in the book to the creation of the fly and the name.

7. Can I pay for my order with a money order?

A. Yes, please make the money order payable to BreamBugs. Mail you money order and bug order to: BreamBugs, 15692 Summer Lake Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63017-5136.

8. How do you determine the “best days to fish” on the Fish Calendar?

A. The “best days” are based on the lunar cycles. Our source is Rick Taylor’s Prime Times calendars. www.primetimes2.com

9. How do you ship orders?

A. We ship by First Class Mail and charge a $5.00 flat rate shipping charge on all orders.  Free shipping on orders of $50.00 or more.   If you wish to speed up the shipping of your order you can tell us how you want your order shipped at your own expense. We no longer ship Internationally.

10. Do you have information on how to tie the “Popper/Dropper” tandem rig?

A. Yes, send me an email with your US postal address and ask for information on the “Popper/Dropper” tandem rig and I will send you the information and a free Miskito Coast “Popper/Dropper” rig.

11. Is your site secure for Online orders?

A. Yes, you can order with confidence through our site. Our site is fully protected by Rapid SSL using 128/256 bit encryption.

12. Do you sell your customer information to other companies?

A. We respect our customers privacy and will not under any circumstances sell our customer information to anyone.

13. Why should I buy from BreamBugs?

A. 1. We ship promptly by First Class Mail for a $5.00 flat rate on orders less than $50.00, shipping is free on orders of $50.00 or more. 2. We have the largest selection of warm water fly fishing products on the Internet and we continue to add more. 3. We are seldom “out of stock” on any of our products and even if we do have a “out of stock” situation when we do receive the product we ship it to you promptly and we pay the shipping charge. 4. We treat our customers the way we would want to be treated if we were the customer. 5. We have a very secure site, shop online with confidence.

14. Do you ship Internationally?

A. No, due to new restrictions on credit card processing and customs problems with shipping feathers and animal hair internationally we no longer ship Internationally.

15. Does BreamBugs promote “catch and release”?

A. Actually BreamBugs promotes proper handling of the fish that fly fishers catch regardless of whether you plan to eat them or release them. If “catch and release” is your style then please consider using the unHOOKum tool. It is easy to use and it does little, if any, damage to the fish or your favorite lure.  Please check out our Mikes Mackie Bugs, barbless bluegill and trout flies.

16. Here is a question for you. How can we better serve you?
A. Send your answer to: info@breambugs.com .

17. Do you have a good recipe for cooking panfish?

A. Yes. Buy Big Al’s Fish Fry and before you bar-b-q or grill again order Big Al’s Texas Rub www.bigalstexasrubs.com You will love it.

18. Where does the word “bream” come from?

A. From the latin word abramis brama means game fish.

19. Does the larger number for hook sizes indicate larger hooks?

A. No. The larger the number the smaller the hook. Example, #2 and 4 hook size is for bass, #8, 10 and 12 hook size is for bluegill. For a hook sizing chart go to: http://www.jannsnetcraft.com/Content/Parts_Sizing.htm, click on Download Chart, page 6 is a remarkable accurate hook sizing chart.

20. Does BreamBugs support fly fishing organizations?

A. Yes, BreamBugs is a member of the Federation of Fly Fishers, the Ozark Fly Fishers Club (Missouri), the Tri-Lakes Fly Fishers Club, Bolivar, Missouri, the North Arkansas Fly Fishers Club and the Magnolia Fly Fishers Club (Mississippi) Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing and the Adaptive Fly Fishing Institute.

21. Is there one color of popping bugs that is better than others?

A. Yes, chartreuse, it out sells any other single color 10 to 1. “Bugs” Castwell says, “If it ain’t chartreuse,it ain’t no use!”

22. Where can I get a free 8 1/2 X 11 glossy finish, suitable for framing copy of the colorful BreamBugs logo?

A. Send us an email and ask for the free 8 1/2 X 11 BreamBugs Logo. Give us your mail address and we will send it right out to you, FREE.

23. Why did you create BreamBugs?

A. Because we love to fly fish and we believe you do too and we wanted a wide selection of quality fly fishing lures, and so do you. Welcome to BreamBugs, enjoy your visit.